
Showing 145–156 of 172 results

13– 12th centuries BC, Artik
50,000 AMD
The statuette is reproduced from a bronze sculpture found in Oshakan dating back to the 17th-16th centuries BC.
40,000 AMD
This statuette is reproduced from the bronze figurine, which is dated by the 9th century BC and found in Tavush. The figure represents a standing man. He is tall, with an emphasized phallus.
30,000 AMD
This statuette of a wolf is reproduced from the figurine cast in bronze, which is dated by the 6th – 5th centuries BC and found at the excavations in Ayroum. The wolf and the dog are connected with the underworld.
20,000 AMD
The statuette is made in the likeness of the statue of Gagik I Bagratuni, the Armenian king who reigned from 989 to 1020.
55,000 AMD
The souvenir was made in the likeness of a bronze statuette of the goddess Arubani found in the vicinity of Van dating back to the 8th-7th centuries BC.
50,000 AMD


No rating
The string of beads was found from the archeological ecavations of Lchashen in 1956.
34,000 AMD

Sword fibula

No rating
The fibula was made in the likeness of a sword presented to General Andranik Ozanyan by Egyptian Armenians.
72,000 AMD
Sylloge Nummorum Byzantinorum. Armenia. IV. Yerevan. History Museum of Armenia. Byzantine Coins (1028-1059). / H. Hovhannisyan – Yerevan, 2023
14,000 AMD
“Sylloge Nummorum Byzantinorum. Armenia” Vol. III. Anonymous Folles. Class A. catalogue, Yerevan, 2016 History Museum of Armenia Author: Hasmik Hovhannisyan
6,500 AMD
“Sylloge Nummorum Romanorum Armenia” Vol. I, Roman Republic, Yerevan, 2011 History museum of Armenia Author: R. Vardanyan
4,500 AMD

Showing 145–156 of 172 results

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